Point of care testing commonly termed as POCT is a testing method in which tests can be performed using a portable mini device and the sample does not need to be taken to the Laboaratory.
While it is important to note that POCT is different from regular home monitoring. These do not include sphygmomanometer or glucometer monitoring…the devices that are commonly used in homes by the patients themselves.
Point of care testing in diabetes care requires thorough understanding and management expertise before it could be applied. In this article, you will get complete usage of this technique in diabetes care.
Keep reading to know more!!
Diabetes is a chronic disease that develops when your pancreas fails to produce enough insulin that is required for proper maintainance of the body. If this disease goes unnoticed or untreated, it can cause severe health problems like vision loss, kidney problems or heart problems.
It is noteworthy that it has two main types: Type1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes. You can have complete details (here)
Diabetes care
Diabetes is generally known as the mother of all diseases. Therefore proper care and thorough monitoring, testing and treatment is required to lead a healthy life for a diabetic patient.
POCT in Diabetes Care
Point of care testing in diabetese treatment plays a crucial role in a patient’s well being because it provides instant results of the monitoring where the patient is located. It helps to make an informed timely decision for further medication in a short span of time.
Glycemic monitoring and continuous glucose monitoring can easily be done using POCT technology. HbA1c tests can also be done using this technique by which you can get results of ups and downs of sugar level of the past 2 to 3 months.
While it’s important to note that renal functions and insuline monitoring is also crucial to be monitored for the diabetic patienst which can be done by the POCT.
Advantages of POCT in Diabetes care
Scientific progress is in a state of constant evaluation. As a result diseases are easily controlable with proper diagnostics. A well said proverb is “ diagnosis is half the treatmet”. So it is really an absolute need that prior testing should be made with an ease for proper treatment.
While POCT is a modern technique, it has its own advantages as far as diabetic treatment is concerned.
- Quick Results
Point of care testing allows you to have quick results. Your monitoring is just a finger-prick or a button-push away.
- Patients Acknowlwdgments
I think this is a very important benefit of this technology. The patient is eager to know the results and hence can see the results by himself in no time. Thereby, increasing in himself the sense of responsibility and self care towards his disease.
- Less Turnaround time
You do not need to wait for the envelope or email containing your test results. POCT is a quick and faster way as compared to the traditional laboratory testing. This will help in making quick and timely decisions particularly in acute conditions.
- Improved Medication Management
The faster results eventually help you out to improve the medication management. You can quickly decide whether to take a pill or a sweet candy – in case the sugar level goes less than the accurate point.
- Economic side
As of prior importance in developing countries, the economic side of this technology is also reasonable. It would not break the bank in heavy lab bills. The early detection and timely medicine intervention can reduce the costs of physical visits.
- HbA1c Testing
The HbA1c testing that requires long term previous track record of the glucose level can also be done through point of care testing.
- Health care settings
Point of care testing is also accessible and beneficial for health care providers. It reduces the staff time management, cost and makes the implementation of the medicines easier while increasing patients’ satisfaction.
What are the common POCT devices used in diabetes care?
The common devices used for POCT are the handheld glucometers generally used at homes, the continuous glucose monitoring systems and the devices used for HbA1c testing.
How does POCT contribute to early detection of diseases?
The quick and easy method of point of care testing allows the patients to monitor their sugar levels by themselves so as to make it more reliable and comprehensive to know whether to alter the dose or to visit the health care provider.
How does remote monitoring work with POCT in diabetes care?
The electronic transmission of the results enables remote monitoring of the diabetic patients in an effective way. This reduces the need for in-person visits allowing telemedicine to be promoted.
Can POCT be used for factor determination other than diabetes?
Yes, this technology can be used for renal functions tests, ketones and lipid profiles. It makes the overall assessment of the diabetic patient effective.
How often should POCT be performed in diabetes management?
It completely depends on the individual and medical needs of the patient. However before meals and after meals monitoring are usually advised by most health care providers to make diabetic management of the patient controlled.
As final words, it can be concluded that point of care testing is a fast and easy technology for diabetes managemnet. It is undoutedly a revolutionary system which has provided the patients as well as the health care providers, an ease and satisfaction of the treatment. However, exceptions are always there. You may need to have lab testing, despite the convenience of POCT, probably due to certain factors.
The most important thing is to timely decide where, when and what is required for proper diabetic management. Have diligent diabetes management and saty healthy!!!